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Bags And Its Function

Every woman I believe must be has more than just one bag as their collection. Of course it is because modern woman today have ‘eyes’ to the fashion mode already. And the bag utility not just as a place to carry of your stuff only, but also as fashion support.

You know there are many several of bags these days, and each bag has their own function. First is luggage, its fit to accompany your travel plan. Could carry more than enough of anything you want to carry, such as clothes and other things too into one. Second are backpacks, people recognized it as a man must have, by its model, it can be category as sporty stuff too. Third is laptop bags or laptop case leather, use to cover your laptop from anything might happen such as scratch, water, etc. Fourth are handbags by designer from Gucci to Prada. And also it’s a little bit expensive than all kind bag other. But women so much adore it, also its fit for a gift too for best friends, relatives, and many more.

For your attention, each bag has different way of how to treat it, but better to keep them dry as long as possible and keep in some particular space divide from the other stuff you have. That's all about bags, hope it can be reference for you to choose which one bag you want to buy.


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